How Do I Choose The Right Tiny Pottery Wheel?

BayofClay AdminDec 21, 2021

Potter’s wheel or pottery wheel is a machine used to create round earthenware by shaping clay into desired shapes. Sometimes, it is referred to as a potter’s lathe. Researchers believe that ancient Sumerians in Mesopotamia developed the first potter’s wheel around 3500 BC. How can I pick the right tiny…

Pottery Ideas for Beginners: What Are The Top Picks?

BayofClay AdminDec 17, 2021

Pottery is an industry of artistry and craftsmanship. The practice has continued unabated for many centuries. Cooking with earthenware/clayware is becoming popular because it has many health benefits. Does pottery lend itself to good health? Are there any creative pottery ideas? There is no end to what you can create…

Is Polymer Clay Toxic? Quick Facts!

BayofClay AdminDec 15, 2021

Polymer clay is a modeling clay or art. It is a man-made plastic, made from polyvinyl chloride (PVC) resin and plasticizer. It is versatile clay. You can make jewelry, pendants, toys, etc. It is easy to work with it for making crafts and arts. But is polymer clay toxic? How…

How do you fix your broken ceramic mugs?

BayofClay AdminDec 14, 2021

Ceramic mugs are a very convenient appliance that comes in different shapes and sizes. They are easy to clean and much more durable than glass mugs. Apart from that, you cannot stain a ceramic mug easily. However, it can slip out of your hand as you are preparing your morning…

What are polymer clay canes?

BayofClay AdminDec 13, 2021

Polymer clay is a popular crafting material that is everywhere now; during the pandemic, arts and crafts using polymer clay cane become a helpful distraction to ease anxiety and escape the feeling of isolation. Polymer clay canes are logs and cylinders made from polymer clay. The canes are long, straight,…