Is Pottery An Expensive Hobby

Is Pottery An Expensive Hobby?

Are you a fan of different pottery techniques but wondering if is pottery an expensive hobby? Continue reading to know the answers to all queries. Like from where to start? How does it cost initially? And what can be done to start pottery at home?

People consider pottery an expensive hobby. Well, it is not that expensive. There’s no need of buying expensive and fancy pottery wheels. For beginners, it is a clever idea to start with simple tools and clay at home. It is a convenient way to learn and polish your mastery of pottery.

Pottery is an expensive hobby if you start by buying expensive stuff. Initially, you can buy things that are affordable and can easily be thrown, out if ruined. It is a wise decision if you begin to practice your hobby at home.

Is Pottery An Expensive Hobby to Learn?

Pottery is one of the most fascinating and relaxing hobbies. You can play with clay and get creative as much as you like. Molding a lump of clay into an attractive masterpiece that grabs attention in a living room is a success.

Pottery can be an expensive hobby if you start by buying fancy and expensive tools. The process of learning pottery and making a successful piece is based on trial and error. Your first piece can’t be perfect and it will be flawed. Continuous efforts are required to create a successful masterwork.

Let us look what is the most convenient and affordable way to start. And what are the feasible options for pottery?

1. Do Your Homework

Before stepping into pottery, do some research about the pottery lessons, equipment, and the methodology required to understand the dynamics of pottery. It is a good idea to get advice from some professional to get an idea about pottery. They can better explain to you about different types of pottery.

2. Sign in for pottery lessons

You can also attend a few pottery classes that are specially designed for beginners. They will guide you about the useful tools to buy. After some time, they explain the types of clay and what will suit you initially. Besides, attending various pottery lessons will help you to decide whether or not pottery is your game.

3. Costs

The price of a pottery class varies with the country and area you live in. It is possible that you pay for the initial classes and if you find it interesting you can pay for more lessons later. Usually, pottery courses are for 8 weeks.

How Expensive is Pottery Equipment?

At the start, purchasing pottery equipment can be an expensive option. However, buying only essential tools to learn pottery is an intelligent option. Following is the list of things you will need initially.

  1. Apron and some small towels.
  2. Buckets for keeping water and slurry.
  3. Pair of sponges
  4. A large and soft brush preferably made up of bamboo.
  5. A wooden trimming tool.
  6. Special potter’s needles.

You can find most of the items at home. It is easier to go for feasible options. Your hands are your greatest tools. You can hand build many objects to get an idea about how to handle and shape the clay.

There are four main kinds of pots that can be made without using a pottery wheel.

  1. Pinch pots – a very simple way for starters to make their art pieces.
  2. Slab pottery – another simple way where pots are usually rectangular or square.
  3. Molds – Use a mold to shape your clay.
  4. Coil pots – coiling is another way of shaping clay, first by making a ball of clay and then start squeezing until it converts into a long sausage-like shape. Then you just start building them layer by layer.

Benefits of hand-building pottery

The major benefit of hand-building pottery is its feasibility. You can just gather the necessary equipment and you are good to go. No need to wait for a longer period and gather fancy tools.

  • Slip casting is a technique where you combine clay with water to make a thick paste and then pour it into a plastic mold. After drying, it adopts the shape of a mold.
  • Air drying clay – as the name suggests it dries in the air. You don’t need to fire it in the kiln. It is a good choice for making toys and jewelry.

How Much Does It Cost To Do Pottery at home?

Pottery making is an interesting and fun hobby to perform at home. The next couple of rows in this article will provide you with information on how can you start pottery at home and how much will it cost. Regardless of the things you desire to make, there are some basic tools you must have before starting pottery.

1. Clay

First of all, you must buy the clay of your choice. There are many kinds of clay available in the market. You can prefer anyone according to your comfort zone. For beginners, it is advisable to work with ‘Stoneware’. It is non-porous, versatile, and easy to handle.

2. Pottery Wheels

Even though you can start pottery without buying a pottery wheel but you will be limited to molds and shapes entirely made by hands. Purchasing a pottery wheel will give a direction to your imagination. It comes in different price ranges; you can buy one which suits you the best.

3. Kilns

Kilns are different types of ovens required to fire the clay. High temperatures are needed to dry clay into ceramics. Either you can buy the kilns or you can dry clay in your kitchen oven. It can be used as an artificial kiln and is a great idea for beginners.


When it comes to pottery, numerous tools can be used. Some of them are:

  1. Needles- for piercing, carving and trimming of clay.
  2. Cutting wires- for converting clay into small pieces.
  3. Cloth- for compressing clay surface for a smoother feel.
  4. Measuring Calipers- to measure the distance amongst the edges.

Apart from expenses, if you have a passion for pottery making, you can find numerous ways to get started. Just search for better and more suitable options to practice your hobby. If you’re a good and consistent learner, you can do it. Good Luck!

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