Is a Ceramic Bowl Safe to Use in the Oven?

BayofClay AdminMay 3, 2022

Cooking is therapy for me. When I cook, I deep dive into the tastes, textures, and smells. In the process, using the right cookware is essential. But is a ceramic bowl safe to use in the oven? The use of ceramic bowls in the oven is generally safe as long…

How Can I Learn Pottery By Myself? Easy Tips!

BayofClay AdminMay 2, 2022

By learning pottery, you can build a connection between the earth and yourself. Pottery gives you an insight into the nature of the earth. It helps develop your creativity and skills. You can pursue it as a hobby or as an art. How Can I Learn Pottery By Myself and…

Buying A Used Pottery Wheel: Your Ultimate Guide!

BayofClay AdminApr 19, 2022

When buying a used pottery wheel, you need to consider several factors. Comparison of price, power, quality and features is imperative. I want to buy a used pottery wheel. What is the right way to do that?   The reason for selling the pottery wheel can explain many things. You should…

Pottery And Maya Civilization: What Is Their Connection?

BayofClay AdminMar 28, 2022

Mesoamerica’s Maya civilization was one of the most prominent indigenous cultures. The Maya people inhabit southern Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, El Salvador, and Honduras today. How do Maya civilization and pottery relate?  The Maya people produced pottery in pre-Columbian times. They made pottery by hand, following many steps and using various…

How to Paint Pottery? Easy way!

BayofClay AdminMar 17, 2022

Painting ceramic pieces can do magic: old, tarnished items can be easily transformed into fresh and beautiful pieces of home decor or kitchenware. When potters seek additional colorful effects on their clay pottery pieces, they might be wondering what kind of paint to use. You can paint ceramic items using…