How to soften Playdough (Play-Doh) – The Easy Way

How to soften Playdough (Play-Doh) – The Easy Way

Regardless of age, every person is interested in playing with playdough. Whether it’s an adult or a kid, all are fond of making shapes and sculptures with playdough. Unfortunately, it dries so quickly. Playdough is made up of salt, water, and flour that easily dries out. It means you can no longer craft it into…

What happens if you don’t wedge clay? (Video Guide)

What happens if you don’t wedge clay? (Video Guide)

Many things can go wrong while you throw your clay on a pottery wheel that leads to unwanted results: disappointment with your art. But don’t worry, in this article I will discuss one important step called wedging. What is it and why is it important. And what is the difference between wedging and kneading clay?